6:44 am. That is the time that my cell phone displayed when I first opened my eyes this morning. 6:44 am. I immediately thought that in exactly one week from that moment I would be boarding a plane destined for Ecuador. My head fell back on the pillow and I took a deep breath. One week away...
As I have been preparing for this trip, I have shopped for all of the necessities. Research on Quito is continuous. Closed toed shoes have been purchased (which is a big deal for this flip flop loving female). Webcams have been tested. Candy orange slices hope to make it to Ecuador...who knows...they will be lucky not to be eaten before then. And, I have been doing a lot of thinking and praying.
Most of my preparation has been mental preparation. I am so excited to get to return to Ecuador. It is such an amazing opportunity. I am nervous yet excited to be able to study in the city of Quito. I am preparing to see another beautiful part of the world. I am looking forward to being back in the mountains. I am ready to smell the smells of Quito again and enjoy the colors and rhythm of the city. I cannot wait for the new experiences and interesting foods. I am curious to see what relationships form. I am preparing myself to be overwhelmed...
I am readying myself to feel small as I realize, yet again, that the world is so much bigger than I am. I am going knowing that I will feel lost at moments. I am praying to be humbled, which I am sure is inevitable. But I am preparing to learn and to share.
I am most excited to share the message of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have often failed at doing this while on the comfort of my own campus. I have often been caught up in indifference. I am looking forward to meeting people to listen to their stories as well as share mine and the difference that the Gospel has made in my life. I am even preparing for those lonely moments, knowing that those might be the sweetest moments of walking with and trusting in my God. I am so blessed to get to see God's creation in a different part of the globe.
One week...
Therefore we labor that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of Him.
2 Corinthians 5:9
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