Wednesday, September 29, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

For anyone who has ever seen Sound of Music, one must agree that one of the best songs is the song about favorite things. It is arguably my favorite and I am a huge fan of the musical in general. I was thinking about that song this morning. This past week it has finally began to dawn on me that I really enjoy things here...I might even miss them when returning to home sweet home. And that made me smile. Thank you to God and His grace for giving me a love for this place. So here is a list of some of my favorite things.
* Waking up to see snow on Ruku Pinchincha (this is "Old" Pinchincha in Quichua and it is the mountain that I wake up to see every morning)
* Studying what is now my third language, Quichua
* The "chao, Katie" I receive from little Estefania when I leave in the morning
* Newly discovered Oreo flavors shared with friends
* Interesting Ecovia rides... nothing spices up the morning like watching a guy get escorted off the Ecovia
* Coffee (even if it is instant... which it always is) in the morning while I read God's Word
* Admiring the indigenous women for all their strength and their bright smiles
* The flower shops I pass in route to school
* Early morning runs in Parque de la Carolina
* Studying God's Word with friends by the lagoon at school
* Being able to see three snow covered mountain tops as I go to school
* Worshiping in a different language
* Watching the telenovela "Donde esta Elisa?" with my host mom... we are kinda addicted
* Bread stores!
* Afternoon rain in Quito

I'm sure that there will be more to come. For now, I am taking joy in the Lord and joy in what He has provided.

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